
News Roundup

Posted by Andrew |

1. Those on the left are looking to Howard Dean as the liberal leader for the Democratic Party.

2. Walmart looking to cut costs further by strengthening its supply chain, cutting out middle men in the process.

3. World's tallest building, Burj Khalifa opens in Dubai.

4. Democrats in US Congress to use informal negotiations to reconcile House and Senate health care bills.

5. BeautifulPeople.com expels 5,000 people from their dating site for getting fat over the holidays.


Bruce Kratky said...

Howard Dean. I will never type that name again.

Walmart's efficiencies are amazing. Good prices. Have to look out for yourself that you don't buy "crap." Some good stuff there. Are they fair to employees? Do they support unethical labor practices used by their vendors? Are they out to destroy the "small business person?" Lots of folks work for them and for long periods of time. Can't say that just because something isn't made in America it is made by slave labor. If a small business doesn't have what I need or can't find it or wants twice its value... they have a problem. Charity belongs at home and at church. Business is best when it is Darwinian. Technology is marginalizing the "middle man" not only with Walmart but with almost every discipline in the world. Knowledge is power and technology give power to the people. They can then act without brokers of knowledge who actually produce nothing. Middle men have never produced they are simply a form of catalyst. Technology is not the catalytic force in business. "The times they are a changing."

The Burj Khalifa tower is amazing. Almost twice the height of the Sears tower. Again, the Arabic world is without excuse. Every dollar on this planet has flowed through their hands multiple times. Follow the money. Look at the buildings. I would suggest that Mr. Bin Laden may see this Khalifa tower as a target. Perhaps there will be more common ground in the future with Arabic nations and those who cherish freedom of expression whether it be in the form of words or architecture.

I may have to arm myself against the "fat police." I love Mc Donald's. I will fight for my right to eat what I want and for the rights of others to do the same. The whole name "BeautifulPeople.com" is repugnant at many levels. To heck with them. LOL
