
True tolerance

Posted by Andrew |

Such a wonderful display of hypocrisy it is ridiculous. Tel Aviv is building a ''museum of tolerance'' upon a 14th century Muslim cemetary in West Jerusalem. Oh, the twisted irony.

May 18, 2010
Israel: Medieval Remains Said to Be Damaged in Excavation

Excavators clearing ground for a museum in Jerusalem dedicated to tolerance have
damaged many remains while exhuming more than 1,000 skeletons from a medieval
Muslim cemetery, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Tuesday. Israel’s
Antiquities Authority confirmed that skeletons had been removed from the
cemetery but denied that the remains were mistreated. Muslim groups have been
trying to halt construction of the Museum of Tolerance because it is to be built
on top of the cemetery, which dates at least from the 14th century. Haaretz
published photographs it said were from the excavations. They showed full human
skeletons and fractured human skulls.

