
News-Georgia, Syria, China and Israel

Posted by Andrew |

  • **Socialism, communism, fascism!! Poor 1 million Americans are being forced by the fascist Obama government to receive health care...** "The first stage of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul is expected to provide coverage to about 1 million uninsured Americans by next year, according to government estimates. That's a small share of the uninsured, but in a shaky economy, experts say it's notable. Many others - more than 100 million people - are getting new benefits that improve their existing coverage. "

  • "When you pick up an object, you might think that you are manipulating it, but in a sense, it is also manipulating you. Through a series of six psychological experiments, Joshua Ackerman from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has shown that the properties that we feel through touch – texture, hardness, weight – can all influence the way we think."

  • **Despite the alleged "reset" in US-Russia relations, the US has undertaken several controversial and antagonistic moves against Russia this week - Russia spies, missile defense in Poland, support for Georgia, etc.** "Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has reiterated Washington's support for Georgia and criticised Russia's "occupation" of two breakaway Georgian regions during a visit to Tbilisi. Clinton also urged Moscow to abide by a ceasefire agreement that stipulates its forces must return to positions held before the 2008 Georgia-Russia war over South Ossetia and Abkhazia."

  • "At least 52 prisoners have disappeared from a Syrian jail following disturbances in 2008 that left 22 people dead, human rights groups have said. Families of the missing men say they have not been heard of since violence broke out at the Saydnaya Military Prison on July 5, 2008."

  • "A U.S. geologist was sentenced to eight years in prison by a Chinese court after being convicted of violating the state secrets law by selling a database on the country’s oil industry."

  • "Israel is trying to prevent a big defense contract between the United States and Saudi Arabia from going through, a senior defense source told Haaretz. The deal includes the purchase of scores of new F-15 fighter jets and the upgrading of the 150 F-15s already in the Saudi air force. "

