• "The world's tallest tent has opened to the public in the Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan. Designed by the British architects Foster & Partners, the Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre in the capital Astana is 150m (490ft) high. It opens on the day the city celebrates 13 years as the capital and President Nursultan Nazarbayev his 70th birthday."

  • "Egypt has ranked last of all the Arab states on the International Justice Project (IJP)'s latest rule-of-law index. Qatar ranked first on the index, followed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). According to the IJC's newly-released 2010 report, Egypt received only 0.31 points in terms of government accountability, compared to 0.49 points for Qatar and 0.57 points for the UAE. On the "absence of corruption" scale, meanwhile, Egypt scored only 0.48 points, compared to 0.81 points for Qatar and 0.80 points for the UAE."

  • "Battered by massive losses, the Postal Service wants to raise rates to bring in more money. Postal officials scheduled a briefing Tuesday to discuss the amount of the increase, which will go to the independent Postal Regulatory Commission for review."

  • Tax-Exempt Funds Aiding West Bank Settlements in West Bank
  • "But during their visit in February the volunteers found themselves in the middle of the fight for land that defines daily life here. When the evangelicals headed into the vineyards, they were pelted with rocks by Palestinians who say the settlers have planted creeping grape vines on their land to claim it as their own. Two volunteers were hurt. In the ensuing scuffle, a settler guard shot a 17-year-old Palestinian shepherd in the leg.

    “These people are filled with ideas that this is the Promised Land and their duty is to help the Jews,” said Izdat Said Qadoos of the neighboring Palestinian village. “It is not the Promised Land. It is our land.""

  • "A group of Israeli left-wing activists and pro-Palestinian demonstrators last week sprayed graffiti on remnants of the Warsaw Ghetto, calling for all ghettos to be liberated, including Gaza. "

