
News Round Up - Opec, Fracking and Tribalism

Posted by Andrew |

  • Digital subscriptions to the New York Times online edition stabilised revenues at the publisher’s flagship title in the fourth quarter of 2011, but group results were dragged down by a further decline at About.com, its consumer information website.

  • The U.S. oil market could be on the verge of its own fracking revolution, similar to what the natural-gas market is already experiencing. As a result, domestic production is now projected to rise significantly over the coming decades, reducing the relative share of imports in U.S. oil consumption.

  • Today, the ruling dynasties of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait all belong to the ‘Anazas of central Arabia. The ‘Anaza tribe is amongst the largest and most ancient Arabian tribes. Its members can be traced back to Prophet Mohammed’s companions and its descendants can be found across the Arabian Peninsula, as well as in non-Arab Iran and Turkey.

  • Saudi Arabia has nominated its Opec governor, Majid Al-Moneef for the group's next secretary general, in a move that may reignite a quarrel over influence in Opec between Gulf Arab nations and Iran

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

