
News Round Up 08/06/2013

Posted by Andrew |

  • "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) is rethinking his neoconservative stance on U.S. military intervention in foreign countries. In an interview with the Washington Times published Sunday, Gingrich said the United States' ability to "export democracy" needs to be reevaluated and that "alternative strategies" should be considered. “I am a neoconservative. But at some point, even if you are a neoconservative, you need to take deep breath to ask if our strategies in Middle East have succeeded,” Gingrich said. “It may be that our capacity to export democracy is a lot more limited than we thought.""

    tags: gingrich politics neocons nutjobs rightwingnutjobs war

  • "Over the past few months, quite a bit of high-level rhetoric has surrounded World Bank funding of coal projects in developing countries. On one side, Christiana Figueres, the executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, stated that “it is no longer necessary [for the World Bank to invest in coal projects] because we have many other technologies that can come forward.” On the other side, World Bank president Jim Kim stated that “we will look for everything we can possibly do to avoid [coal projects] but look, poor people should not pay the price with their lives of mistakes that people have been making in the developed world for a very long time.”"

    tags: energy coal power development climatechange worldbank

  • Here’s something you hardly ever see anymore. The House and Senate just passed two bills to promote clean energy around the United States. Not only that, but the votes were virtually unanimous. So what’s this mysterious energy source attracting all-but-unheard-of bipartisan affection? Hydropower.

    tags: energy hydropower alternativeenergy renewableenergy unitedstates politics

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

