• "WENATCHEE, Wash. – Police in Wenatchee are surprised at the amount of contraband an inmate was able to smuggle into the jail rectally. The Wenatchee World said the man internally carried a cigarette lighter, rolling papers, a baggie of tobacco the size of a golf ball, a smaller baggie of marijuana, a 1-inch smoking pipe, a bottle of tattoo ink and eight tattoo needles."

  • "It's not surprising that Liz Cheney is now faulting Obama's handling of the Israeli raid on the flotilla. What is noteworthy is how she's doing it: She's faulting the President for describing the loss of life as "tragic.""

  • "Notice that there's only "regret," no hint of condemnation, over the American citizen's death. Notice that the statement comes close to blaming the flotilla activists for provoking the incident by rejecting the offer by Israel to transport the aid over land. And notice the blanket endorsement of Israel overseeing the probe of the incident, with no call for any international involvement." **Despite Reid's idiocy, perhaps the copy editor should have worked on the title of this article..."

  • Israel sends out press release accusing flotilla passengers of being al-Qaeda mercenaries.... and then later retracts its lies with secrecy and little fanfare. The brilliance of the Israeli PR machine is that they know that if they send out ridiculous lies in the beginning, these lies will dominate the discussion and they will never be held accountable.

  • "You hear something a lot about change: People won’t change because they’re too lazy. Well, I’m here to stick up for the lazy people. In fact, I want to argue that what looks like laziness is actually exhaustion. The proof comes from a psychology study that is absolutely fascinating."

  • "It was revealed last week that one of Warren's defenses in the sex case involved claiming that he was the target of a so-called honey trap, in which an intelligence service attempts to compromise a hostile agent through the use of a sexually attractive individual. Warren wanted to conduct depositions abroad of witnesses he said could buttress his case, but Judge Ellen Huvelle denied the request."

  • "With [environmentalists'] nonsensical efforts to lock up safer drilling areas, all you're doing is outsourcing energy development, which makes us more controlled by foreign countries, less safe, and less prosperous on a dirtier planet. Your hypocrisy is showing. You're not preventing environmental hazards; you're outsourcing them and making drilling more dangerous. "

