
I support Helen Thomas

Posted by Andrew |

Whether you agree of disagree with Helen Thomas' recent statements, the way she has been treated by the White House Press Corps, the Obama Administration (Gibbs) and the mainstream media is disgraceful. The only reason she has had to apologize and step down is because her comments upset those who must not be named. Several other public figures including Mike Huckabee and Dick Armey have made comments fully endorsing the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from the West Bank, Gaza and even Sinai. Yet they remain untouched and uncriticized, because it is fine, in fact it is encouraged, to talk about exiling 6 million Arabs.

This is the sick double standard we live with in the United States. Let's hope the recent flotilla massacre will start the redress of this grave injustice and racist policy.


** As a follow-up, a recent article I read pointed out that we have yet to see the full context of the video. In the original released clip. Helen does not specify whether she is referring to all of Palestine-Israel, or simply the West Bank/Gaza. If indeed she is referring to the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza, her statements, in my opinion, are valid, as many of the settlers are direct immigrants from the United States, Russia and Europe who are being implanted on land stolen from Palestinians who have lived there for over a thousand years. Therefore, the recent extremist Brooklyn Jew encouraged by tax breaks and cheap real estate who moved to a settlement in the West Bank, should go home, back to New York, or at least into pre-1967 Israel. **

