• "A German student created a major traffic jam in Bavaria when he 'mooned' a group of Hell's Angels, hurled a puppy at them and then escaped on a bulldozer."

  • "The reeling economy remains people's top concern, according to an Associated Press-GfK Poll conducted earlier this month, making public attitudes about it crucial for both parties' hopes in November. The good news for Democrats: By a margin of 47 percent to 42 percent, people trust them more than Republicans to guide the economy, and 64 percent — slightly more than in April — say their household budgets are in good shape."

  • ""Rand Paul made an amateur mistake," said Armey. "A freshman mistake. A rookie mistake. He thought MSNBC was a legitimate news organization, bless his heart... You don't want to talk to anyone in the press that is unprofessional or lazy. Now, basically what he did in that case was, he walked into the buzzsaw. The people who asked that question... any legitimate news person would have been embarrassed to see that. They're not news people. They're political hacks.""

  • "The Republican nominee for a northern New Mexico congressional seat suggested during a radio interview that the United States could place land mines along the Mexican border to secure the international boundary.

  • "To be fair, Bush did back away from his support for Arab reform in his second term. But the image of his support stuck. Why has Obama distanced himself from his predecessor's support for democracy promotion? One unsurprising outcome is that the regime in Egypt has reverted to wholesale imprisonment and harassment of political dissidents. "

