Ukrainian riot police raid protest camp - FT.com
"Thousands of Ukrainian riot police launched a surprise raid on Kiev’s protest camp early on Wednesday, beginning an hours-long stand-off with protesters that showed little sign of abating by morning. "
Mubadala signs deal to boost aerospace expertise | The National
"Mubadala Development has linked up with a leading American producer of carbon fibre materials for planes to develop its expertise in aerospace manufacturing. The Abu Dhabi-based investment and development company yesterday announced the agreement with Cytec Industries"
Oil groups in rush for US crude export licences - FT.com
"Oil companies are securing licences to export US crude at a frantic pace as the shale boom leads to swelling supplies along the Gulf of Mexico. The US government granted 103 licences to ship crude oil abroad in its latest fiscal year, up by more than half from the 66 approved in 2012 and the highest since at least 2006, according to data obtained by the Financial Times."
GOPer: ‘Dying’ Gays Want Free Meds - The Daily Beast
"Michigan Republican leader Dave Agema said gay people “want free medical [care] because they’re dying.” Agema, a former state representative, represents Michigan as a member of the Republican National Committee. “They want free medical because they're dying between 30 and 44 years old," Agema told a group of Republicans late last week in remarks that surfaced today. In voicing his oppositio"
U.S. solar industry tops Germany in new PVs for first time in 15 years.
"Soccer. Beer. Philosophy. Solar Power. All categories in which Germany has historically dominated the United States. But the last of those, at least, may finally be changing. "
Oman Oil Co plans piped gas system for Muscat - Energy - ArabianBusiness.com
"Muscat residents could be set to receive piped natural gas to their homes under plans being considered by the Oman Government, it was reported. Oman Gas Co (OGC), which supplies natural gas to industries and public utilities in Oman, confirmed it was looking into a pipeline system to replace LPG."
Dubai to spend $100m on solar for Expo 2020 - Energy - ArabianBusiness.com
"Authorities in Dubai will need to spend about $100m on developing solar energy capacity ahead of the Expo 2020, according to a third-party estimate. Speaking to Bloomberg, consultant Access Advisory said that the Gulf emirate requires about 50 additional megawatts of solar power capacity by the time the six-month event takes place."
Meet The 'Assassination Market' Creator Who's Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins - Forbes
"Meet The 'Assassination Market' Creator Who's Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins "
New study finds vast reserves of freshwater beneath the ocean.
"Scientists have discovered vast reserves of freshwater underneath the ocean floor, according to a new study. The discovery, published in the journal Nature last week, is part of “mounting evidence for the global occurrence of offshore fresh and brackish groundwater reserves.” Once thought to be a rare occurrence, the study estimates that half a million cubic kilometers of low salinity water sits below the seabed off the coasts of Australia, China, North America and South Africa and could provide a new source of drinking water, which is becoming increasingly scarce, according to Science Daily. "
"A hardline Iranian newspaper has claimed Nelson Mandela’s funeral this Sunday could be used as a "trap" to orchestra a meeting between President Hassan Rouhani and US President Barack Obama. "
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