Exxon forecasts natural gas to be world’s second most-used fuel - FT.com
"Natural gas will overtake coal as a global energy source in the middle of the next decade, in part because of the environmental benefits it offers, according to ExxonMobil, the world’s largest oil and gas company. "
Cost of Australia’s Gorgon LNG project rises to $54bn - FT.com
"Gorgon, the world’s largest liquefied natural gas development, has slipped further behind schedule and over budget, admitted Chevron, the oil and gas company leading the Australian project. "
Exxon Presses for Exports - WSJ.com
"Exxon Mobil Corp. XOM -1.51% , the nation's largest energy producer, is calling for the U.S. to lift restrictions on exporting domestic oil that date back to the Arab oil embargo of 1973. The Irving, Texas, company's public support for crude exports comes as it forecasts decades of abundant supplies of petroleum in the U.S. and elsewhere as well as increasing global demand for oil, according to its annual energy outlook set to be released on Thursday."
Mentor adds to Nigeria president’s woes amid missing $50bn - FT.com
"The in-tray of Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria’s president, has been filling up with some potent mail in recent weeks. In just over 24 hours two letters have leaked, one from the central bank raising questions about the whereabouts of $50bn in oil revenues, the other a broadside from a former head of state, Olusegun Obasanjo. "
'NYT' and Post won't tell us why Dems are abandoning Obama on Iran deal
"The lobby is doing its utmost to sandbag the breakthrough agreement between the U.S. and Iran. The Congress is now readying yet more sanctions bills; the Forward says Democrats are backing the legislation or doing nothing to oppose it because “These are the men and the women, after all, who are on a first-name basis with most of the board of AIPAC.” MJ Rosenberg says the Israel lobby is the reason Sens. Tim Kaine, Sherrod Brown and– conspicuously– progressive Elizabeth Warren have been silent on the diplomatic breakthrough. "
What Conservatives Like Liz Cheney Didn’t Understand About Apartheid
"What conservatives didn’t grasp about Jim Crow or apartheid—and what, to a some extent, they don’t grasp now—is that markets aren’t immune to social realities and can reflect the prejudices and injustices that characterize all societies. Without explicit action in the other direction, markets are just as likely to perpetuate inequality as to provide for human flourishing. "
Sign language interpreter at Mandela service branded 'fake'
"The sign language interpreter used at Tuesday's memorial service for Nelson Mandela was being called a "fake," news reports said. "
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